Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Importance of the Completion of Homework Assignments

Being in college, I have decided that homework assignments definitely are a huge burden on an evening when I plan on studying for a big test or a midterm, and I need no other distractions. However, those homework assignments were the core and they were the building blocks that have gotten us to the point where when we are studying, all we need to do is look over a few notes, and look over our completed homeworks. This way we are able to analyze the work that we put forth on paper, and use it to our benefit in the time that may be stressful during studying. In elementary school, homework was something that was brought home in my backpack daily, for my mom and I , or my dad and I, to complete together. It was a way for my parents to see the material that we had covered during that day or week, and to be able to bring that material into the home and into their understanding. The importance of parents being involved in an elementary school student's homework is very important. A parent should always be aware of what all their child may be learning in school, and how they are grasping that material and in that case how the parents can help them to better grasp and improve any difficulties the child may be having. Even though homework is a pain for anyone at any age, and even a pain for the parents to have to oversee their child doing each and every day, it seems to be one of the best ways for reinforcement of the principles we learn in school. While reviewing my notes last night, I found myself remembering topics that the homework had been on, and referring back to those topics in reference to my studying. It alleviated some of the problems or questions I was having over topics I was studying, and it made the whole process a lot easier and go alot smoother. This concept can be applied to students of all ages, who review the material covered in class each day in order to better reinforce it later. This can be in the form of worksheets as a child, notecards and visuals as a middle and high schooler, and papers paragraphs and notes as a college student. If you are wondering tthe best way to help your child out, and feel as if your not doing enough to help them with their school work, this is the first opportunity you should jump on. It is so important that parents are available to their child and avaiable to let the child know how important the completion of each and every homework assignment is every single day.

Belew, B. thebizofknowledge.com (Photo of kid and mother discussing homework) 2007.

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